January 2018 Group Coaching
January 2018 Group Coaching
Whether you are new to the study of the law of attraction and/or manifesting transformation, Cornerstone Coaching is your access to living a transformed life.
While many have studied transformation and the law of attraction, there is a gap between studying something and having the ability to truly “live it.” That is where Cornerstone Coaching comes in.
The keys to successfully completing this program consist of two important things:
1. Playing the game at 100%
That means putting yourself on the court every day, doing the assignments as given and participating as if your life depended upon it, because it does!
2. Being Coachable.
Taking to heart and implementing the distinctions you will be learning will require your openness to be coached. That means following directions and taking the coaching even when it seems difficult and challenging for you.
Only when you are willing to be open, and willing to “try it on” will you begin to integrate these transformational distinctions into your life.
The specific order of the Sessions listed below lays out the program at the broadest level. Your program may be delivered in this exact order, OR I may decide to deliver it differently. Because your program is customized, I will use my experience to tell you what you need for your specific transformational experience.
Note: In the Overviews below, you will note the word “Distinctions.” You will learn more about these in one of our first sessions.
So now, take the first step and review the program …
I Look Forward to Sharing Your Success !
Group coaching is accomplished using the internet and “zoom” software. The group will also have it’s on Facebook page to discuss ask questions and support each other with their specific goals.
With the Zoom software, we will all join a “room” and everyone’s faces will show up. You will be able to speak, although I will mute everyone until they “raise their hand” to speak.
So the call is performed live. You are expected to attend each session and participate. However, if you have some emergency, I will be recording the live session and can make the recording available in our facebook page.
Each week you will have homework and practices.
Once you have paid for your coaching, I will invite you to the Facebook page. I will also email you a link to our Zoom room. I will also give you a link to my calendar where you can schedule a 15min setup session to join me in zoom and make sure you are working.
I will also link all the zoom information in our Facebook page.
The call time is 90 minutes.
Coaching schedule (Wed 6:00-7:30PM EST)
- July 11, 2018 18:00
- July 18, 2018 18:00
- July 25, 2018 18:00
- August 8, 2018 18:00
- August 15, 2018 18:00
- August 22, 2018 18:00
- September 5, 2018 18:00
- September 12, 2018 18:00
- September 19, 2018 18:00
Session Outline:
Session 1
Let’s Get Started
- Welcome
- Promise of The Program
- The Cornerstone Principles
- Signs of Land
- Foundation Agreements and Guidelines
- Clearing the Runway
- Exercises and Coursework
Being Responsibility & at “Cause”
Signs of Land
Being Coachable
Session 2
What is Our World
- Introducing “Distinctions”
- Responsibility as Power – 3 levels
- Revealing Negative Energy & Resistance
- Do We Really Know What we Want?
- Self Acceptance & Compassion
- Exercises and Coursework
Distinguishing Distinctions
Levels of Responsibility
The “Being of Human Beings”
Self Acceptance I
Session 3
Designing a Clear Path
- Identifying Limiting Beliefs
- Beliefs vs. Facts
- Identifying Limits From the Past
- Clearing Techniques
- Distinguishing Resentment
- Exercises and Coursework
Limiting Beliefs
Want vs. Need
Past, Present, Future
Being Clear, Present and in the Moment
Session 4
Gratitude – Everything Has Value – If You Say So
- There is Only “Now”
- Gratitude as a Way of “Being”
- Access to Abundance
- Past, Present and Future
- Exploring and Experiencing the Flow
- Exercises and Coursework
Community and Being Related
Past, Present, Future
Session 5
Staying Inspired- Playing Full Out!
- Antidote to Resentment
- Defining Your Game
- Deepening the Distinction “to Create”
- Start with the End in Mind
- Results vs. Accomplishment
- Exercises and Coursework
Creating from Nothing
Resentment II
Results vs. Accomplishment
Session 6
Creating Abundance – It all Starts With Your Mindset
- Making Your Game Real
- Creating the Flow
- Visualizing What You Want
- Being an Observer
- Exercises and Coursework
Abundance and Generosity
Vertical / Horizontal Planes
Being the Observer
Session 7
Letting Go – for What’s NEXT!
- Cycles Everywhere
- What is Moving, What is in Limbo
- What are we Holding on to
- Trust and Letting Go
- Inspired Action
- Exercises and Coursework
Want vs. Needs II
Cycles of Life
Trust I
Being Right
Letting Go vs. Giving Up
Session 8
Honoring your “Self” – Self Acceptance is the Key
- Current Predicament
- Self Appreciation and Freedom
- Limiting Beliefs and Self Concept
- Intention = Outcome
- Exercises and Coursework
Self Acceptance and Love
Childhood Wounding
Unconscious Intentions
Session 9
Acknowledging Accomplishments—Be Complete
- Sharing the Breakthroughs You have Manifested
- Creating a Structure for the Future
- Most Important Job: Encouragement
- Distinguishing “the Gap”
- Creating What’s Next
- Program Completion
Completion/The Gap
Acknowledgment as fuel
Signs of Land II