Who are you in the big picture?
Imagine a small circle the size of a penny. Consider that this circle is what you know about yourself — your conscious awareness of yourself.
Imagine a circle around that circle as large as a bicycle wheel. Consider that this circle represents your unconscious. Maybe your shadow self, maybe your unconscious beliefs, maybe unconscious motivations.
Now imagine a circle around that circle as large as the earth. Consider that who you really are is all of this (and more.) This outer circle is where we are all connected. This is the part of us that we don’t know that we don’t know about. The collective unconscious. This is where the mystical observer lives. This is the changeless part of you, your true essence, your big Self (with a capital S).
See the penny.
The penny is the part you are wanting to fix. This is the part of you that finds the rest unacceptable and imperfect. How silly is that? We are letting our ego judge us as inadequate. This concept of imperfection only exists in our thoughts and language about ourselves.
So from this context, we can see that our experience of messiness in life (the larger circle ) is part of being human. There will always be a lot more going on than we can expect to know about. Our conclusion about our imperfection is near-sighted, ego-centric, and erroneous.