Category: Quality Living

Personal Growth Can Be a Distraction

I will never forget my first experience with personal growth. It was like a bomb of light went off and illuminated the world in a way that I never imagined possible.   Everything looked different.   For once, I didn’t know how things worked — it was all a mystery — and somehow, this other ‘world’ was…

How can we be perfect and have so many shortcomings?

Before I begin, I want to dismiss some semantic arguments about the notion of shortcomings. I am of the opinion that we are indeed perfect. So how is it possible to be both perfect and have shortcomings? Actually, we don’t have shortcomings (as most people define them,) but if I started there, I wouldn’t have…

Healing Our Aloneness

I have concluded that the belief that we are alone is one of the deepest wounds that our modern society is faced with.   Even shoulder-to-shoulder, even in the middle of a party, people continue to generate the story that they are alone.  Unseen, unknown, unheard … and thus, truly unloved. Whether shouting and demanding attention…

Need vs. Needy

One can be alone and not experience “lonely.”  The state of ‘alone’ is a factual event; It can be objectively measured.  Lonely is a feeling; one that is generated from beliefs and expectations.  ‘Lonely’ is an internal state that we generate unrelated to the external state.  We can feel lonely even in the middle of a crowd!…


Self-Acceptance is not “love your garbage.” “Self-acceptance” is considered to be one of the most important attitudes you can bring to any personal-development work.  However, “self-acceptance,” as it is used in the generally accepted world view is nothing more than a stop-gap strategy for dealing with our belief that we are, in fact, broken. “Self-acceptance,” as I…